Sunday, November 4, 2012

General Update on changing plans

Well it seems to be with me that changing plans is like changing underwear, if you don’t do it often enough things can get messy.

Don’t worry, I’ve changed. Again.
When I started the summer I was going to hike the Colorado Trail and going to visit China and then I was going to be in Durango again, working and living and trying to figure things out. Then I wasn’t going to China anymore, I was driving across Texas with my life in my car, headed home. Then I was on a plane with my life in 3 bags flying south for Central America for…years? Now I’m in Antigua, Guatemala, about to be flying to Costa Rica in two weeks and where before I was going to start looking for a job straight away after TEFL school, now I’m going home again. That’s right. I’ll be home for Christmas.

And then…?

Well I think I’ll go to Asia. South Korea maybe? It always happens suddenly for me. For a week or two I know things are wrong and I don’t know how to fix them, then suddenly one day I wake up, or someone says something or I see something and in an instant I know…Oh, this is what I’m supposed to do. All is right with the world once again, until that plan runs its course and it’s time to change once again.
Asia. I thought I wanted to teach English in South/Central America…but you have to try things out to know if they are right or not sometimes. I think this plan has been great so far and I have learned a great deal from the path I’ve come down so far. I wouldn’t trade this time here for anything, but now I know I am supposed to be going somewhere else.

How do you know it’s right?

I don’t know. It’s like they say with love: you just know. I also imagine it’s like those people who think they are fine but they visit the chiropractor anyway because they think it might be cool, but when they leave they realize that so many things are fixed that they never knew were wrong. It’s like you suddenly feel reset, repaired, like all those things that you didn’t realize were bothering you are solved.

Isn’t it scary? What about planning for the future?

Yeah, it’s scary changing plans so much, but it’s a pretty consistent plan. I am trying to move in a general forward direction toward a general goal. I just never know what all the near future holds so I keep having to adjust to keep going in that forward direction. We have very little control over our overall lives, so I just keep making the small decisions that take me from one phase of life to the next and hope the rest falls into place as well. When it doesn’t, I adjust. It’s scary, but it’s no more scary than I imagine getting married is, or buying a house for the first time must be. They are all decisions that propel us forward into who we are and who we will eventually be.

Isn’t it lonely?

Yes, right now moving so much is lonely. But that’s what the internet is for: ) It’s also what social skills are for. I don’t have great ones, but I am learning to use them more and more each day to talk to people that I probably wouldn’t have talked to before. One day, after all this whirlwind is over, I will have a job and live in one place for a year, maybe more and I will make friends and make my friends come visit me and I will visit them too. One of my dearest friends said to me today that home isn’t so much a matter of where you are, but who you are with. Thank you. It’s true. And I think I have known it all along. I may not be with my friends now for a long time, but I can look forward to it and work toward a time in my life when I can see them again. In the meantime, I can also work on developing new friendships and enriching the life I am living now.

So that’s it. I’m still changing and taking each step as it comes my way. 

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