Saturday, November 17, 2012

Arriving in Costa Rica

I am finally where I have been going since August 4th when I left my heart in Colorado and headed South. As the plane descended over the tropical verde of the Costa Rican landscape I couldn’t help but smile to myself just knowing that I was not going to have to move my things again for four whole weeks! (Never mind that I will also hopefully be certified to teach English all over the world). It wasn’t quite like coming home, but it was as close as I’ll hope for for now. For a time I can say, I am not in limbo anymore.

The airport experience was easier than I could have possibly hoped for. I’m not sure if it actually was less painful than in the United States or if I just thought it was because I had been dreading the whole thing for the past few days. As departure day grew closer and closer I became more and more convinced that something was going to go terribly wrong. I was going to lose my bag or miss my flight or forget something really important or be mugged or…or…I don’t know…die? The human brain is an infinitely creative and curiously powerful machine that can get you into a hell of a worry.

I stepped off the plane though, in the intended country, and after about 30 minutes, my monster of a duffle bag plopped out onto the conveyor belt to meet me. Looking like a lost orphan I followed the general trickle of people toward what I could only assume was the exit. It was. I only had one more fear to disprove. I looked around at the mass of eager family members, friends and taxi drivers waiting on the other side of the fence for arriving passengers and I did not see my name. Shit…

It’s ok. It’s ok. I scanned again and there it was. “KNIGHT.” My name. I felt my whole body sigh with pure joy. I was not lost and alone. I had a taxi driver all lined up to take me to my house (which is good because I had no idea where it was or who I would be living with until then.) He helped me with my bags and within the hour I was lugging them up the stairs to my new room.

I met one of the other girls who will be living here (Shannon) and 3 of the 4 family members who have so kindly opened their house for us. I think I understood (the accent is different here so I my ear is having to adjust) that there will be 6 of the 9 students in my TEFL class sharing this house (don’t worry. There’s room. This house is awesome).  I guess I can only hope there aren’t any crazy bitches like on those reality TV shows I don’t watch and can’t remember the names of at the moment. So far so good though.

Shannon and I went exploring in the afternoon. I would describe all that for you but I’m losing my concentration at the moment. We’ll save it for next time. For now, just know that I am happily at “home” here in a house in Costa Rica for the next 4 weeks!

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